My new Masterclass series got off to an auspicious start on YouTube the other day, with an episode focussing on lavender and tuberose. Our guide on this particular occasion was Remi Pulverail of Atelier Francais Des Matieres and Les Indemodables. Here’s a link to the video: perfume Masterclass – ingredients – lavender and tuberose. Several topics were covered during the broadcast, notably the problem of lavandin being passed off as lavender, the difficulty of obtaining high grades of lavender essential oil, and the excruciating cost of tuberose absolute. At the moment, the second episode, which will be about orange and patchouli, is scheduled for 5 December, but please check my social media channels for final confirmation. And please make sure to get in touch if you have any ideas for what the Masterclass series should cover in future episodes.
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