Something a little bit different for you today: a video version of my list of the best perfumes of 2016. Fear not, it’s only 60 seconds long… although it does feature some rather mangled French.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. And that you’ll come back next week for the first review of the year.


PS To watch the video directly on YouTube, please click here.

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4 thought on “The Best Perfumes Of 2016… In 60 Seconds”
  1. Thanks a lot for the quick review. I've ordered a sample of Apsu after reading your review and loved it!
    I know we owe it to the French tradition in perfumery but WHY must so many perfumes have French names??? I think all of us who don't speak French (but are still familiar with it) feel like complete fools pronouncing it. Not to mention the misunderstandings with the SAs who often don't know the right pronunciation themselves 😀

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