Soon after I interviewed Guerlain’s Sylvaine Delacourte at the launch of the DFS Masters Of Fragrances exhibition in Abu Dhabi, I managed to snatch a few minutes of conversation with Michael Edwards, author of what is generally considered to be the most exhaustive, most reliable printed directory of perfume. Established in 1983, Edwards’ Fragrances Of The World has slavishly charted and categorised thousands upon thousands of new releases. His Fragrance Wheel of ‘scent families’ has become a near-indispensable tool for retailers faced with the prospect of separating their floral orientals from their dry woods. And his knowledge of and experience within the industry frequently prompt others to turn to him for advice and information on the ever-changing world of scent.
In his introductory presentation on the exhibition at Abu Dhabi’s Manarat Al Saadiyat gallery, Edwards made a point of stating that any consultancy work he carries out is always with retailers, not perfume brands. So I used this as the starting point of our chat and asked him if avoiding brands was a conscious decision he made when he embarked upon this particular aspect of his career.
Michael Edwards: All my work has always been with retailers. I had the good luck to be in the right place at the right time when a group of perfumeries asked if I could help to develop their business. And there was no fragrance guide. There was the Haarmann & Reimer genealogy, but it had become more and more complex. So that led to my first guide, because I was convinced – and I demonstrated it when I was at Halston – that a simple guide to fragrance families could help the in-store consultants enormously. So my work started with retailers, it demonstrated its worth, and then really it was Nordstrom, the great American department store, who picked it up, and said, ‘Okay, we like it,’ and they gave authority to it.
Persolaise: What else do you do, in addition to your retail consultancy work?
ME: I have two things: working with retail and, of course, the database, which has become the memory of the industry. Our real work is to provide the industry with the reference that they need. So, for instance,
Will Andrews refers to the database as being
Procter & Gamble‘s unofficial archives. He told me that the Boss people had a review of limited editions in Geneva. Guess where the only complete selection was? On the database, because we keep everything.
Firmenich and
Givaudan rely on it, because it’s the only complete resource.
P: So as you carry out your various roles with all these different companies, do you ever find that there’s a tension between getting enough work to earn your keep and maintaining your independence?
ME: No, not at all, partially because when I started, I was terribly lucky. I got a 20-year contract for scent strip samples in Asia. So that paid for some bread and butter. My basic business premise has always been: never put all your eggs in one basket. So if any client gets to be more than 50% of my business, I would get nervous.
P: But do you ever get frustrated by the fact that you can’t openly say which perfumes you really like or dislike?
ME: No, because I
do tell people. I love
Eau Sauvage, I still wear it.
P: Ah, but that’s a classic. Are you able to express your views on new creations?
ME: I’m intrigued by
Naomi Goodsir. I think she’s making a mistake by putting all her scents into the leather family, but I’m intrigued by them. I smelt a very interesting fragrance from Marc Antoine of Parfum D’Empire. He’s taken
Corsica and given it a really green twist*, and that intrigues me. In fairness, a lot of what I smell is plonk. I think the niche market has become opportunistic.
P: Could you expand on that?
P: Where would you place Diptyque in that list?
ME: Diptyque came in 1968 with
L’Eau De Diptyque, but for me, that really was more an ambience spray.
Etro was the first Italian niche brand, in 1989. In the 90s, you had the first of the great brands, with
Serge Lutens. When I look at fragrance, I must look at it as an historian. Niche markets succeeded by accident. And the accident was that American suburbs ran out of air, which meant that American department stores ran out of profit. If you look back, in the States, after the Second World War, the American government gave the returning soldiers and Air Force people the GI Bill, which gave them the money to go to college, and gave them mortgage facilities. For the first time, a whole generation of Americans had the ability to actually own a house. The result was that we started to see the emergence of suburbs. American department stores in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s made money whenever there was a new suburb with a new mall. It all came to a halt in the 80s when we started to see the gentrification of the inner cities. So what do you do, if you’re a department store and you’ve got so used to making all this money?
In 1977,
Opium, our first blockbuster, and
Giorgio, 1981, showed that perfume was a core product. Quite naturally, there were a lot of little people from all over the world, approaching these stores saying, ‘Sell me 50,000 bottles of
Opium and 100,000 bottles of
Giorgio. I’ll give you cash.’ Of course, they waved them away, until suddenly they had the need for profit, and there were a couple of department stores that saw an opportunity. And so they ordered products from the brands, knowing that they wouldn’t have to pay for them for 200-odd days, they on-sold them for immediate cash, and the industry was flabbergasted, because there was now a
grey market. The department stores controlled it.
P: Then came the 90s?
ME: Yes, and the Gulf War, and by this time, most of the brands were in the hands of the global multi-nationals. Now, if you’re a global multi-national marketing manager, and you’ve got a budget, whether there’s a Gulf War or not, you’ve got a budget! 30% of most of the great brands’ profitability comes from travel retail, and so suddenly they had to make it up, and they said, ‘I remember all these nefarious characters,’ and they themselves started to do what the department stores had done in the 80s, and that was the second time the grey market expanded.
The third time was, of course, in the late 90s, and since then these great brands have been hijacked by the stock exchange. If your sales estimate is not met, your share price is savaged. So what do you do? Again, that’s why the grey market continues to exist. It’s a deliberate strategy. What do you do if you’re a department store like Nordstrom? Nordstrom’s policy was: bring it back, no questions asked, and we’ll give you your money back. So, these characters would go down to the discount mall, buy Opium for $52, take it to Nordstrom and say, ‘Can I have my $75, please?’ So Nordstrom was forced to delete Opium. So what do you do if you’re a department store? How do you replace this business?
P: Start stocking niche?
ME: Yes, that’s where the niche business came in. And it was a unique opportunity, when you look at it, in the 1990s. For the first time, you had niche brands that had grown a little bit in Paris and were ready to fly. You had American women who had grown up with Charlie and had become part of the designer revolution of the 80s and were now looking for something different that not everybody knew about. And you had department stores who were desperate to pick up some new brands. That was what caused the revolution of niche.
And then of course the Internet happened. Suddenly the perfumistas took control of it. Unfortunately though, because the entry price is so low, any Tom, Dick and Jane can come up with a range of fragrance. But to come up with a decent fragrance, you have to have taste and you have to have knowledge. Much of what I smell is not finished.
P: Would you say the perfumistas still exert some control?
ME: Absolutely.
P: But aren’t some of them becoming opportunistic too?
ME: Absolutely, but that’s inevitable. I know there’s a lot of dreck. But out of this, I think we’re seeing the emergence of some very good, inspired writers. People with taste and character.
P: Finally, on a rather different note, a couple of perfumers have told me they can see the day when you’re going to have to make a separate category for ‘oud’ on your Fragrance Wheel. Is that going to happen?
ME: No, I would put it under ‘woody’ or under ‘woody oriental’. I think it fits quite logically in those two categories.
[The Masters Of Fragrances exhibition can be viewed at Abu Dhabi Airport Duty Free until 12th June 2014.]
* Edwards is referring to the new Corsica Furiosa from Parfum D’Empire.
Absolutely fascinating. The history of the market was particularly interesting and explained in a concise and easy to understand way. I love his candour too – "plonk" and "dreck" – priceless but so true. Thanks for this informative interview!
SallyM, thanks very much for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. And yes, I was almost heartened to discover that Edwards takes a dim view of most of the stuff he smells.
Fascinating, indeed! I'm afraid some of the economics was a bit beyond me, but I am certainly inclined to try to figure it out, now. It was sobering to read, "the entry price is so low," at the same time that something exponential seems to be happening with niche price points. I'm flabbergasted.
Leathermountain, thanks for your comment. If the entry price is low but the price points of niche are rising, maybe we can understand what Edwards means when he says the niche market is becoming increasingly opportunistic.
Thank you very much for this very enlightening article.
I do have the impression that the perfume boutiques tend to offer more and more "indie" scents, especially the ones selling online, too. There's one boutique I know of who have rented out their shop an optician and you should only go and see them afteran appointment in their backyard.
They seem to make their profits by selling samples, and by the sheer quantity of new releases it obviously works out fine.
I have cut down my sampling because I'm simply overwhelmed by the offer and very often underwhelmed by the scents themselves.
It is a pity that quantitiy kills quality. Tom, Dick and Harry is the appropriate name for it.
oh my goodness, this should read: they have rented out their shop to an optician and after having made an appointment with them you can come and see them in their backyard office.
I wonder how they arrived at representing Roja Dove…
High street boutiques having to pay for the full monty are not really amused at this kind of business, either.
Petra, thanks for your comment. Where's this shop?? What an unusual arrangement.
Andy Tauer recently wrote on his blog that he feels a 'bricks and mortar' setting is still the way to go for perfume retail, but I guess the trick will be figuring out a way to make 'real world' retail more appealing again.
Persolaise, thank you very much for your reply.
The "shop" is situated in a small town in Southern Germany, not far away from where I live.
I went there yesterday after having phoned and had a smell at "Oeillet Bengale" which highly disappointed me. Luckily though I was able to buy one of the last bottles of Delrae's "Emotionelle".
In my opinion they offer one of the best supplies of Niche scents.
But still I entirely agree that it is necessary to make "real world" retail attractive again. When I think of all the sales personnel who usually have no idea of what I am talking about; or the snooty kind, or the mere unfriendly ones: or all at once. I recently made some experience of that kind with a sales lady at a Guerlain counter in a department store.
I actually tend to prefer an online sale that works out fine. But if there's a problem, you run into yet a different kind of trouble.
Hi again Petra,
Thanks for the info. I must say, that does sound fascinating. It's probably the sort of place about which I'd like to write on this blog
The future of retail will certainly be interesting to watch. Everyone is focussed on trying to deliver a memorable 'experience'… but of course, that's easier said than done.