This week’s third and final Love At First Scent interview was broadcast yesterday, bringing the current ‘season’ of videos to a close. In the hot seat on this occasion – live from Dorset – was Simon Constantine, ex-perfumer at Lush and now founder and scent-maker at And Fragrance, or, to give it its properly-accented name, Ånd Fragrance. To watch the video, please click on this link: And Fragrance Simon Constantine interview.

As I’d expected, given his new brand’s globe-trotting, eco-warrior sensibilities, Constantine was full of fascinating stories about the ingredients contained in his work. He shared tales of gun-carrying sandalwood smugglers, frankincense trees growing on misty mountaintops, and, on a more sober note, Amazonian tribes suffering from the effects of the current pandemic. He also managed to talk about three of his brand’s five perfumes: the tonka-based Bean, the fruit-and-incense wafting Frank and the eyebrow-raising Sand, with its curious combo of sandalwood with banana. Last, but certainly not least, he addressed And’s rather confrontational manifesto, with its lines about tackling the injustices in the perfume industry and ‘unstinking’ the world.

Over the course of the next few weeks, the demands of my non-perfume-related life will have to take precedence – long-time readers may recall the times when I used to write about The Invasion Of The Day Job – so there probably won’t be any new videos until around the final week of November. However, I have scheduled a few reviews to pop up here on the blog during that period… so don’t ever say I don’t think about you!

Stay safe and see you on the other side,


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Simon Constantine And Fragrance interview by award-winning perfume critic Persolaise, 2020
image: And Fragrance

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