Have the lovely folks at
Penhaligon’s finally settled on a direction for the look and feel of their brand? If preview images of their refurbished Regent Street store are anything to go by, I’d say the answer is a resounding Yes. And about time too. Putting aside the merits of their fragrances, in the past, I found that they often let themselves down with a lack of a clear marketing vision. But in recent years, they’ve upped their game in no uncertain terms, and the re-designed shop looks like it might mark a milestone in their efforts.
I should stress I’m basing this conclusion on nothing more than photos, although their contents seem indisputable: gorgeous, richly-coloured padded walls; bespoke, Art Deco-style light fittings (featuring a clever motif based on bow ties and bottles); a revamped ‘fragrance profiling’ area. All of these look very promising indeed. And they tie in perfectly with the presentation of the recent releases (the
Juniper Sling box is especially striking) as well as the mock-Victorian tone of the text that the brand now uses to tout its wares. Sadly, I can’t make it to this Thursday’s official launch party for the store, but I shall head over to Regent Street as soon possible to check the place out. I have a feeling I won’t be disappointed. By the way, if you’d like to see computer-generated, artist’s impression-style images of the place, click here to be taken to Penhaligon’s own blog.
Changing the subject, I expect most of you have come here today for two reasons: 1) to see if you’ve won the Marni sample and 2) to try to win a Chanel sample.
Thanks very much indeed for all your entries to last week’s draw. The winner is
Congratulations! Please send your postal address to persolaise at gmail dot com and I’ll get your prize off to you straight away. And as I’m feeling generous (don’t worry, it won’t last) I thought we’d dash straight from one draw to another…
1932 is the latest addition to Chanel’s Exclusif range. I expect I’ll publish my review of it soon, but for now, suffice it to say that its list of notes is pretty accurate: jasmine, iris and vetivert. If you’d like to have a chance to win a 2 ml sample for yourself, please read the terms and conditions below and leave a comment on the subject of Chanel. Feel free to interpret the topic in any way you see fit.
Good luck!
Draw Terms & Conditions
i) the draw will be closed at 10 pm (UK time) on Monday 4th February; ii) the winner will be selected at random; iii) the winner will be announced on Persolaise.com on Tuesday 5th February; iv) if the winner has not made contact with me by Monday 11th February, an alternative winner may be selected; v) the winner’s address will not be shared with any other parties; vi) readers from anywhere in the world are eligible to enter; vii) by entering this draw, you indicate that customs regulations in your country permit you to receive alcohol-based, perfume products; vii) I take no responsibility for the contents of the perfume, particularly as regards potential allergens and/or harmful components; viii) if the sample is lost in transit, it will not be possible for a replacement to be posted; ix) relatives of anyone associated with Persolaise.com are not permitted to enter.
Congratulations to the winner.
For me Chanel is just France. I always have to buy a Chanel brooch when I visit Paris.
Raya, I take it you must have quite a collection.
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Thanks for the draw.
I did not actualy come to Chanel til I was in my 40s. But since then, I have always used it for drama in clothing.
Marie, better late than never, right?
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My mother always wore Cristalle, so for me, Chanel is the smell of mother.
Konarzewska, that one's always been one of my favourites from Chanel.
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To me Chanel is one of those brands that I associate with nothing else but chic and elegance. Their perfume are mostly incredible, especially some Les Exclusives.
I wish I could win a sample of 1932, Chanel has no boutiques in Poland so this is my only chance to give it a try… So sad.
Lucas, I would've thought that, by now, Chanel would've opened a boutique somewhere in Warsaw, maybe in one of the hotels.
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"A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting." Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel
Liliya, is that really true, I wonder
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I have always taken Chanel as the competition of Dior. Not just in the couture, but also in the perfume.
Thanks for this chance.
Mumta, that's an interesting way of looking at the brand.
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I like Chanel very much as a brand, but for me, if I can be honest, it is a representation of what occurs if you allow a brand to become too commercial in a world where the original sucess comes from not being commercial but from trying to please the tastes of elitarian clientele. I am benefitting from this, because I am not elitarian, but I suppose the impact of the brand is going through reduction.
Herzen, I'm sure you can't be the only person who feels that way.
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The beauty of simplicity. Coco Chanel never added anything to her designs that was unnecessary. Her influence on modern society is huge but largely ignored
Thank you for the draw
Alityke, yes, she did have considerable influence, didn't she.
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Timeless chic, elegance and irresistible simplicity. There's nothing not to love about it, especially when you're perfume lover. dwj05 at aol dot com
dwj05, the house does have many, many fans.
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Chanel perfumes have been part of my life since an early age. I asked for and received a bottle of #19 when I was a teen in the 70s. My first perfume gift from a man was #5. I met my husband the day I bought my first bottle of Coco. I've swapped and groveled to procure at least decants of Les Exclusifs. Thanks for the draw!
Rosarita, wow, that's quite a connection
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Thankful that no Calon,pink pepper, sugar, or tropical fruit notes listed!! :-0
Linda, imagine a marine Chanel…
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Thank you Persolaise, Thank you Raya! I'm really happy (and my daughter too).
Chanel for me was synonymous of glamour and women, until I discovered my beloved Egoiste in the 90's. Today I have Antaeus and always get compliments of women when I wear it.
And my son is wearing his first Chanel: Bleu. And he gets compliments too!
So, thank you Chanel for all you have done for women and for us, happy men in several generations!
Insense, you're more than welcome. So you're an entire Chanel Family!
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For better and worse, for all it implies, Chanel is my mother. I was very very little when I used to open my mother drawers to smell, steal, and rejoice in her collection of no. 5. She has many bottles of all sizes. Her scarfs and coats used to smell like that golden beauty. Later on she started to wear Chanel Beige. I am intrigued by 1932. I hope it doesnt hurt like a mother tho
Wefadetogray, yes, perfume's potential to cause pain hasn't been explored much, in my view.
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Chanel fragrance whatever the blend is simply exquisite.
Angela, I take it you're a fan.
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Quintessential Chanel is the quilted bag and No. 5. But since I don't like either of those, I'm glad they are also 31, Rue Cambon and Cristalle.
London, another vote for Cristalle!
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I admire the style and aesthetic vision of Chanel's perfume line… In particular, I love No. 22, which is one of my all-time favorite perfumes. I must say, though, that their clothing often leaves me cold… Literally. I find their designs so sterile and lacking in femininity. Ah well, it's not like I could afford it anyway.
Susan, I know several people who rate No 22 very highly.
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I loved Chanel so much as a teenager in the 90s, but their output for the past decade, aside from Les Exclusifs, has disappointed me for the most part. I read the book about the secret history of Chanel No 5 and it was fascinating. These days, I only ever wear Coromandel, or sometimes Sycomore. Or sometimes I'll steal my boyfriend's Platinum Egoiste. It's funny, I think that what brought my cohort of young consumers to Chanel was their line of metallic vamp lip and nail products. Unfortunately, all those old cosmetics favorites from my gothier days have been discontinued.
Blauriche, you're certainly not the only person who feels their mainstream range has become somewhat dull.
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One thing that puzzled me over the years is that somehow Chanel doesn't carry Egoiste in Canada, not in department stores, and not even in their boutiques. It's not the only time a non-discontinued fragrance never gets showcased in Canada though, Boucheron Jaipur for example suffered the same fate before it was eventually discontinued…
Nereis, I guess these decisions are made by marketing departments which feel they know best about the tastes of people in certain areas/countries…
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The only perfume I have worn in evening events for the last 15 years is Coco. No joke.
Thanks for the draw.
Sam Q, I wish I could be so loyal to a perfume.
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Chanel Pour Monsieur is the best.
Thank you.
Jamil, I've always admired it myself.
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Chanel always does a better job of women fragrances of les exclusif..i have been disappointed by Chanel's latest offerings for men and yes I want 1932 sample
FMC, I'm certainly no fan of Bleu…
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Very generous prize.
I was always impressed with Allure Sensuelle. I know many regrard it a somewhat ordinary oriental, but I've found a type of sweetness in it which I've never found anywhere else.
ChuppyWuppy, I probably need to re-smell Allure Sensuelle.
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The first vintage fragrance I owned was Chanel No.5. To this date, it remains one of my favourite!
Joshuaang, it's a cliche, but I still really love No 5.
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My father-in-law always kept asking what happened to No 1, 2, 3 and 4. I've explained the story to him so many times, but he keeps forgetting. Never mind. He loves No 5.
Thanks for the draw.
Twenty Marge, apparently, there were many more 'numbers' in the collection than we have now!
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I wear many Chanel fragrances. Among my favorites are No. 19 and 22, 32 Rue Cambon, Cristalle, Coco, Coromandel, and Cuir de Russie. Thank you so much for this generous draw!
Farouche, those are some of my favourites as well.
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I'd like to enter this excellent draw. Thank you.
Marika, anything to say about Chanel?
I've always enjoyed those Chanels which seem like they're not trying too hard. Many of them have vanished, but I suppose No 19 still fits that description.
Renuka, I'm reliably informed that 19 is currently one of their poorest sellers. But I still really like it.
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I have a small bottle of vintage Egoiste and I still wear it sometimes. I totally love it. It is a bit different now (and the new one is actually not so bad) but I prefer the original.
Thanks for the drawing.
Luminocity, I can never think of Egoiste without thinking of the original TV ad!
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I've never warmed to No5, but I wear no19, Eau Premiere and 33 Rue Chambon with pleasure. Thanks for the draw!
Eva S, wonderful choices, all three of them.
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I have worn Coco and Cristalle in the past. Now getting to know the Exclusives with great interest! Worn Bois des iles the last two days and love it! Meditating on the first Chanel Exclusive FB – which one should it be… definitely would love to test this one, too.
Thanks for the very nice draw!
Maria, Bois Des Iles is very special.
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What a lovely draw.
I enjoy Gardenia and Beige. I think they are true to the essence of Coco.
Beata, I believe beige was one of Coco's favourite colours, right?
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I'm no fan of the aldehydic marvels No22 and No5, but I adore Cristalle, No19 extrait, Coromandel, Sycomore and No 18. And despite being rather conventional, from my brief tests of Coco Noir (or whatever it's called…) it actually seems quite pretty.
I love the Chanel iris, so it would be great to try out this new Exclusif.
Figuier, if you like No 19, I'd say 1932 is a must-try for you.
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Thank you for another draw and congratulations to the winner of the last. I unfortunately don't have much experience with Chanel perfumes. I've recently found an interest in perfumes and have tried Coco Mademoiselle, Coco Noir, and of course Chanel No. 5 while out browsing scents with friends. I look forward to more exposure to various scents, and owning more than a few bottles of perfume, once I'm not a cash-strapped student. For the time being, I love reading blog reviews and entering fragrance contests.
Lean, that sounds like a very sensible policy to follow
Hopefully it won't be long before you can enjoy a few purchases.
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Chanel equals elegance, for me
many years I was sure I am not a "Chanel girl", till I managed to find a sample of " Bel Respiro" it was love and full admiration at first sniff
would like very much to be able to sample "1932"
thanks for the draw
Irina, I love Bel Respiro too; easily one of my favourites from the Exclusive range.
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For me, the most amazing thing is that, as a company, in the sense of ownership, Chanel is still privately owned, by individuals, and not a large multi-national. That's really something considering their success.
Thank you for this draw.
K Dhalla
K Dhalla, I know what you mean. It is remarkable that the company has remained entirely in private hands.
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I didn't really pay attention to Chanel untl the Exlusives came along. Now I really enjoy Cuir De Russie and the cologne.
Please enter me in the draw.
Dr S-R, nice to see another vote of confidence for Cuir De Russie!
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This is a fab draw. I don't think Chanel have ever made a single bad perfume. Even Bleu is half-decent. My own favourite: No 22.
Rosalla1981, let's agree to disagree on Bleu
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What a fantastic giveaway! It's so exciting to try this new perfume from Chanel among the first.
My favorite Chanel perfumes are #5, 22, 19 and Beige. I do not know what way jasmine done in the new 1932 perfume but still interesting to try!
Anna, I'm glad a few people have stood up in support of No 19.
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Chanel jasmine? Sign me up.
How could I refuse a request like that?
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Thanks very much for the Chanel draw. I would love to try a jasmine perfume done the Chanel way. As nice as Dior's Grand Bal is, it wasn't love for me the way I thought it would be.
I own Cuir de Russie, Bois des Iles and 31 Rue Cambon. Although I'm finding the last one a little too sweet for my tastes these days.
Tara, it isn't like Grand Bal, so perhaps it'll be more to your taste.
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I know very little about this kind of thing, but I'd love to win this sample for my wife. She's a Coco freak!
D Ball, your wife's got great taste.
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Please enter me in this draw. My favourite from Chanel has always been Chance.
Marla S
Marla, I gather Chance is a perennial good seller for them.
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Dear P.!
This is my first comment in this wonderful place. I got here some weeks ago after reading the german issue of "Le Snob" which is really the only publication on perfume that makes me some kind of "hungry" for the subject; like e. g. a "Ducasse" does with things to eat & drink.
My favourite Chanel is No. 19 Parfum – which in my opinion makes an excuisite masculine; or Sycomore as a charmingly rough feminine. Have a nice and fragrant evening. Thank you very much.
Tim, thanks very much for stopping by and for reading my book. I hope you manage to satisfy your hunger soon. And as for Chanel, I haven't smelt 19 extrait for ages…
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This is a great draw.
My favourite Chanel products are the faux bijou, but I love Coco as well.
Esteban, it's funny you should mention the jewellery in the context of 1932…
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For me, Chanel has actually always been synonymous with the early 90s. I recall that when the Iron Curtain fell, one of the first things my uncle (who travelled a lot) wanted to do was to bring a Chanel boutique to my country. He nearly did it (in the end, it did not happen) but his efforts were a sign of how things were changing in my country.
S-A, wow, that's quite an anecdote! Did your uncle get any other designer brands into your country?
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I wish my local Boots stored more chanels. The closest decent Chanel collection near me is in Gloucester, and even that isn't wonderful. So that's why I'd really like to try 1932.
Jade E, I guess the Exclusives wouldn't be very exclusive if they were stocked everywhere, right? Although I agree with you that some of the extraits should be more easily available.
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Thank u for the draw. Please enter me in it. My best Chanel is No 5.
ELP, that's one of my favourites too!
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This is a very generous event, thank you.
I've always admired the way Chanel has followed a 'less is more' principle in its packaging. Look at the Exclusives. You actually hardly see the word 'Chanel' anywhere at all on them. I think it appears only once or twice. The main image is of that tall white box, and the logo. Totally classy.
HappyOnMondays, yes, quite a few people have expressed admiration for Chanel's packaging. What did you make of Coco Noir's look?
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Coco Coco Coco! There's absolutely nothing wrong with that perfume. In all its forms. The edp. The powder. The body lotion. Pure luxury in a bottle.
WouldChild, I guess you're a Coco fan, eh?
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Great thanks for this.
I still really like 19. I think it's not so popular, but in my opinion, it's really wonderful.
Gosia, I love No 19 too.
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My husband has worn Pour Monsieur for years. I keep trying, and failing, to persuade him to try something else.
For me, I'd love to try 1932.
Abigail, if it ain't broke…
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Thanks for holding this draw!
I never could wear No. 5, but I love Cristalle. I still have the EDT I bought in the early 90's, I suppose that makes it 'vintage' by eBay standards….
Tania, I think anything older than 2 years counts as vintage on eBay!
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I'm not that familiar with the exclusive Chanels, but I would like to try this one.
Jayme, if you've never tried Les Exclusifs, you've got a treat in store
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A colleague at work always wear Chance and I really like it on her. I've never got on with most Chanels, but I nearly bought La Pausa once and I like the sound of this new one.
KS, I see several connections between 1932 and 28 La Pausa, so yes, I think you might enjoy sampling it.
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I've moved around the world a fair bit, and I've alwsays found it fascinating how the value of Chanel varies from country to country. Kind of like how Guerlain switches from 'lord of perfume' to 'who the hell are they?' depending on where you are.
Thanks for the draw.
The Lazy Weaver
Lazy Weaver, yes, variations in cultural perceptions of brands are fascinating, aren't they?
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I can still remember so clearly the first time I tried vintage Bois Des Iles. It was like a quilt of luxury. I swear it made me two inches taller
Ipswich Sue, I know what you mean
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I'm a Les Exclusifs fan, though the other Chanels aren't too "me". I prefer Bois des Iles, Coromandel' and Beige. Want to love Cuir de Russie, but it's too birch tar-y for me.
Jen, ah yes, the birch tar in CdR… gorgeous!
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I see that hardly anybody has mentioned the exclusive Cologne. Isn't that like one of the best available colognes?
Please neter me in the draw.
Schwartz, I like their Cologne too, but I feel it's a bit incongruous in the line-up.
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This is a wonderful competition. I would like to enter, please.
Karolina, any thoughts on Chanel?
Thank you for the draw! I spent a lot of time in Eau Premiere this week, and it reminded me how much I do like Chanel (why I had been forgetting this lately, I have no idea).
AnotherPerfumeBlog, yes, we forget all too easily that they still have several gems in their collection.
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Cherchez la Femme! La Femme parfaite! It's the primary subject of Chanel, isn't it? Well, I know that there are no perfect people, but wearing Chanel brungs us closer to that chimere! Nowadays, Chanel is more fragrance to me than designer clothes, though Lagerfeld, black-and-white and escentric accessories are inevitably associated with this icon! Jacques Polge and his predecessors are so versatile that almost everyone, no matter man or woman, can find a perfume to love and cherish amongst their creations!
Thanks for the draw! I hope I'm in!
Lyubov, you're most certainly in. You sound like quite a fan!
Thank you! I am dreaming of a full bottle of 31 Rue Cambon but it would become mine in some certain a bit distant future! Now I have to sate with Chanel 5 and 19 with all their flankers (unfortunately I do not own any pure perfume…) and my wedding perfume – Chance Eau Fraiche! 1932 sounds just the kind of jasmine I like – raw, fresh, a bit sharp but clean!
Lyubov, the question of the cleanliness of 1932 is actually quite interesting. I might address it in my review
Chanel was always wine, Thursday night and conversations with my aunty. She worked at a perfumery, and before shet met me on Thursdays, she always sprayed herslef with with newest chanel :-))
Tamarka, she must have been a useful aunty to have!
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This is a generous drawing.
I think Chanel lost their way in the 90s, but I really like what they're doing with Les Exclusifs. Coromandel is heaven.
Sephta, yes, Coromandel is one of my personal favourites too.
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Chanel Cristalle to me, is the perfume of the working woman. A feminist yet feminine, slightly Italianate perfume.
Annurka, that's an interesting take. And yes, I'd say I agree… although I'd also suggest that 'feminist' and 'feminine' needn't be mutually exclusive terms.
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Didn't they once do a Sport version of Antaeus. My boyfriend at the time wore it and it was out of this world.
Thanks for the draw!
Willow, yes, I'm pretty sure there was an Antaeus Sport, or something along those lines. I never tried it, though.
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I'm pretty old fashioned for companies such as Chanel and I prefer their old fragrances.I like Chanel's Pour Monsieur, Antaeus and Egoiste. On the other hand, I think that Les Exclusifs line is very nice, but I know only a few from this line.
Dambas, Antaeus is one of my favourites of all time.
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I would imagine a jasmine iris done by Chanel would be tres chic. I'd love to try for myself.
Frate, yes, it certainly aims for chic.
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Each time I think of Chanel, I remember the knock-off souqs in Morocco trying to persuade me to buy the nice berfume from Channel Channel Channel. I never did smell any of them. Maybe I should have.
Thanks for the draw.
Helen's David
Helen's David, sounds a bit like pockets of Mumbai
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When I wear Chanel #5, it just always seems right. I'ts been a favorite of mine for a long time.
Sunflowers, that scent has an amazing hold over me too.
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Look forward to hearing (and maybe smelling!?) you in the deepest darkest East End on Wednesday….
Think some Chanel needs to head its way on over here in order to "posh it up" a bit.
East Ender.
East Ender, last time I checked, that part of London was definitely trying to climb the bling ladder! See you on Wednesday…?
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Ooo hope Im not too late for the draw! I do wish I liked the feminine Chanels more, but none of them really tickle my taste buds. I do however much prefer Chanel's male fragrances, particularly Allure homme (although I get a bit confused with all the flankers). I wonder if as a woman I could get away with wearing this fragrance…?
Rhian, no, you're not too late
Allure Homme on a woman? Just wear it and see what happens…
Thanks for all your entries. The winner will be announced tomorrow.