Happy New Year everybody! I’d like to wish all of you nothing but happiness, peace and good health for the next twelve months… not to mention lots and lots of wonderful perfume sniffing.
I’d like to start 2011 with a give-away for a sample of the new Opus IV, which was kindly provided by Amouage a few weeks ago. To enter the draw, please leave a comment about new year resolutions. Do you make them? If not, why not? If you do, are you willing to share yours with us?
Please note: i) the draw will be open until 10 pm (UK time) on Saturday 8th January; ii) the winner will be selected at random and announced on this blog; iii) readers from anywhere in the world are eligible to enter; iv) by entering the draw, you indicate that customs regulations in your country permit you to receive an alcohol-based perfume posted from the UK; v) if the sample is lost in transit, it will not be possible for a replacement to be sent; vi) the address of the winner will not be kept on record, nor will it be passed to any third parties; vii) Persolaise takes no responsibility for the composition of the scent, as regards potential allergens and/or restricted materials.
Best of luck,
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My new years resolution is exactly the same as last year – stay positive and try and see the best in everything – even in the face of adversity
I have two New Year's resolutions. Any more, and I just know it won't happen/get done/be forgotten! This is the year I vow to:
a) Finish revising my novel and begin the submission process, and
b) Push my own boundaries in as many ways as possible – including my choice of perfumes!
Happy New Year, Persolaise! Here's to all the fun we know we'll have in 2011!
Now that you mention it, I have no resolutions this year.
And I usually always have some but the problem is I so rarely manage to do anything about them so I'd rather not put any excpectations in front of me this year and see what happens.
Would love to try Opus IV.
Happy New Year!
My resolution for 2011 is trying to be less short-tempered with people who are known to irritate me, and perfume-wise, I will not buy another full bottle before my birthday in May.
Thank you for holding this giveaway!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Years! I quit making New Years resolutions years ago because I never kept them.
I would love to try the Opus IV! Thanks for the chance.
My only resolution ever is to keep on keepin` on – and I never break it, because that means quitting, something yt does not go for!!
My New Year's resolution- to stay positive and healthly, with proper gym regime!
And perfumewise- to follow all new launches which becomes so hard nowdays!
All the best!
Yesterday I wrote to my thinking some hilarious resolutions for this year. They were kind of crazy like I will see closely and finaly to the center of a lentil or .. I will finally learn how to cook ice etc etc. Crazy me!
My resolutions are to be more serious about what I do, for example regarding my blog of perfume. I have to try scents that I see I have never tried and they were from 2010! Only Eau de Reglisse, can you imagine? So my resolution is: be serious and tenacious, don't listen to snobs, listen to your heart and emotions. Try, try try and discover new scents, as they will show you news lives and universes as well.
I think this is fine.
Love to you all and Happy New Year!
Oh by the way! I made a Great Mistake here, What about Ode a la Vanille? What about Eau d Epices?? My head is too tired today. I am sorry.
Well, shoot. I was recently quoted as saying "resolutions, schmezzolutions." It would be hard for me to then go about making some, no?
But I do have resolve. And I shall apply it to continued blog perusal. Thanks for being one of the stops along the way.
I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but it so happens that I have recently resolved to:
-admit ignorance when appropriate. Saying "I don't know" isn't such a bad thing.
-not speak ill of people I dislike, even if I am not likely to ever see them again.
-pay attention to my health and try to prevent some of those down-the-road problems…
I don't make resolutions, really, but I've decided that this yer is the year I finally improve my swatch photos. Might not mean much to most people, but it's a big deal to me…
I don't have any resolutions either. Just hopes. But I'd love to try the Opus IV.
We live by symbolism and thus I suppose the symbolic magic of the New Year may help some people to stick to resolutions made. Why not take up the culture's offer at taking stock and considering changes and use the opportunity to make it something more than an empty ritual? I have made some very serious personal resolutions, but on a brighter note, top priority is to conclude the second dissertation required for a "venia legendi" at university and tightening up my flabby belly.
Tarleisio, best of luck with the novel. Are we allowed to know what it's about?
Your name's on the list.
Liam J, that's a thoroughly commendable ambition.
You're in the draw.
Ines, that sounds quite sensible
Just take the year as it comes, eh?
You're in the draw.
Olfactoriastravels… no full bottle till May?? So… does that mean that you're allowed to buy loads and loads of decants?
You're in the draw too.
Alice, that's fair enough.
Your name's on the list.
Olfactoriastravels… no full bottle till May?? So… does that mean that you're allowed to buy loads and loads of decants?
You're in the draw too.
Ela, if you find a way of following all the new perfume launches, please let me know!
Your name's on the list.
Hotlanta Linda, I'm tempted to say, "More power to ya!" but maybe that would be too cheesy…
You're in the draw.
ScentSelf, it's a pleasure having you stop by.
You're in the draw.
Vintage Lady, I'll forgive you for forgetting Ode De La Vanille
You're in the draw.
Queen Cupcake, they all sound like very laudable aims. Best of luck with them.
Your name's on the list.
London, hopes are pretty good too.
Your name's on the list.
Get Lippie, nice to see you here. And resolutions are meant to be personal, so you just stick with yours
You're in the draw.
Dukeofpallmall, best of luck with the academic work. Are you able to let us know what your dissertation's about?
Your name's on the list.
Oh, my
I try to treat every day anew, with a decent attitude ;D
Many blessings in the coming decade, Mr. P. !
[I would enjoy the opportunity to try Opus IV ]
I don't usually make resolutions, but this year I've decided I want to try to overcome my aversion to the phone.
Happy new year!
Happy new Persolaise. I look forward to reading your excellent blog in 2011! I'm not a huge new year resolution person, but this year I would like to alleviate my debt, and go on a proper family summer holiday. Which thinking about it, could possibly defeat the object of getting out of debt!
Happy New Year Persolaise (and everybody else who reads this)!
I have too many small personal NY resolutions (to most of which I will not stick, but I'll try), but one of the perfume-related I want to share:
I deccided to wear something that I relly like at least twice a week leaving other five days for trying something new or giving a second chance to my "maybes".
I generally speaking don't make resolutions because I have failed to keep them too often in the past, but I do take stock of things I need to change or work on in the coming year. This year working on my finances is a big one, trying to have a baby, improving my health, doing better on the house cleaning front, and keeping up with my cooking blog are specific goals that I need tp pay attention to. Thanks for the giveaway!
Chayaruchama, all my best wishes to you too.
You're in the draw.
Elisa, you're not the only person I know who doesn't like telephones. Best of luck with your 'project'
Your name's on the list.
Undinaba, I like your plan. I often feel that there isn't enough time to wear the perfumes that genuinely bring me pleasure.
Your name's on the list.
Michael, thanks very much indeed. Best wishes to you and your family too.
Personal finances are just that: deeply personal. Therefore, I wouldn't dare comment on your plans for the year. But my own view is that holidays are worth every penny.
You're in the draw too.
Gastronomic Goddess, it sounds like you'll have a busy year ahead of you. Good luck with all your plans.
You're in the draw.
No resolutions for me, or at least none marked specifically by the new year. It just seems arbitrary to me… Of course, that doesn't mean I'm satisfied with myself; I need God's forgiveness every day!
Amouage, now, that can stimulate greed in me. Usually, though, sanity kicks in just in time to stop me from bankrupting myself.
I agree making resolutions is not something I really do,though it is important to self analyze and this time is as good as any. Since I have been fighting a bad cold I want to focus on my overall health.
I tend not to make new years resolutions, I very much believe that if something needs changing then there is no time like the present. I tend to make resolutions all year round. Last year it was to get for, who knows what they will be this year.
Taffynfontana, I hope your cold's better now.
Your name's on the list.
Fernardo, you're right: perfume does sometimes lead to one (or more!) of the deadly sins. But a small Amouage sample is probably a harmless little luxury
You're in the draw.
Voyagetocythera, I'm guessing you meant to write that last year your resolution was to get fit. I have a feeling your comment got chewed by the Predictive Text Gremlin.
Anyway, you're in the draw.
The start of a new year is often a bit hectic for me. Therefore, I usually resolve to lose weight, etc. a few times throughout the year. Hang In There is my motto.
Ooh, Amouage! Nice.
I don't save my resolutions for New Year, I make them all year round. And sadly, break them all year, too
But if I were to make one, it would be to sort out my pension! It's a mess, with all the job changes etc.
(If I'm lucky enough to win, I should mention that I'll be out of internet reach most of next week).
Tania, you have my sympathies re: messed up pensions. Hope you get it all sorted soon.
Your name's on the list.
Johnl, that sounds like a perfectly good motto to me.
You're in the draw.
I started making New Years resolutions since I immigrated to the US, before — I lived happily without them!
This year I realized that I cannot remember what I resolved to do for 2010 and whether I did it or not — bad, huh?
This year I am going to: walk every day, write about perfume, and reach a balance between sampling and loving by FBs.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Happy new years and many thanks for the blog
I don't make new years resolutions myself, as like a few others I prefer to do something in the moment it comes to me…as they say there is no time like the present, no use in waiting until the new year to make change!!
Many thanks for the opportunity too.
Gareth, that sounds like a perfectly good philosophy to me.
Your name's on the list.
Warum, I expect many people forget their resolution. I wouldn't worry if you can't remember yours
You're in the draw.
I resolve to smell more perfumes, write about more perfumes, share more perfumes and just enjoy the ride this year!
I don't make new resolutions just because the calendar moves from one year to the next, but I always have the next goal in mind, so that carries over into the new year.
Anonymous, I like your resolution, but I'm afraid you'll have to give me some indication of your identity (another pseudonym, perhaps?) before I can enter you in the draw.
Oh, it's Gwen from perfumeniche.com
Your blog is a lovely find – I followed the link from your brilliant interview with Denyse Beaulieu on Basenotes.
I'm a relative newcomer to the world of perfume and in 2011 would just like to grow more and more and learn as much as I can. Happy new year to you, Persolaise, and thank you for such a lovely giveaway!
Gwen, thanks very much. You're in the draw.
Jaacq, thanks very much indeed for the compliment, I appreciate it. I do hope you'll find reason to return to this blog.
You're in the draw too.
Thanks to everyone who entered. Please come back soon to Persolaise.com to find out if you've won.