Back in 1995, Jean-Paul Gaultier released his first fragrance for men. You may have heard of it. It’s called Le Male, it’s sold in a bottle shaped likely a finely-toned male torso, and it just happens to be one of the most successful masculine scents of all time. Needless to say, it’s inspired several flankers: the woefully underrated Fleur Du Male, countless ‘light’ editions aimed at summer holidaymakers and, most recently, a supposedly more intense version dubbed Le Male Terrible. Now, the folks at JPG have turned once more to the original’s creator, Francis Kurkdjian, and asked him to give birth to a ‘fresh’ incarnation of their cash cow.
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I can't wait to try this one out since I am big Le Male fan…
Juraj, let me know what you make of it. I'd love to find out how it's received by a Le Male fan.
Well to Le Male fans, you are going to be disappointed! but do panic it's ok in a generic crowd pleasing way that has JPGs LE MALE what it is. So the bad news… Davidoff cool water comes to mind off the opening. The good news: As Cool Water is the acclaimed knock off of creed Green Irish Tweed this comes closer in the first half of the fragrance and then goes bit more cartier roadster with the mint. All in all a good fragrance in a mass market sort of a way.
Think le male fans will hate, so should be interesting as is a knock off of two awesome frags noneheless.
THG, thanks for your thoughts. I can't say I got much of a connection with Cool Water, but that's neither here nor there.
I tried this and really liked it. Fresh, breezy, long lasting, and very different from Le male, even though their are some common threads between the two. A great summer spring scent that doesn't rely on citrus and wood, wearing it made me feel like I was outside taking in a warm breeze, and I happened to be stuck inside all day. Will purchase for sure.
Richard, each to their own
I'm glad you enjoyed it. As it happens, I tried it again the other day, and I have to say, I was even less impressed this time around. Never mind.