Today is the second birthday of, so I couldn’t let the occasion go by without a brief, celebratory post. Thanks very much indeed to all of you for continuing to read this blog and for supporting my scented endeavours.
I’ll be spending most of the day on the Top Secret Writing Project, but I’ll also make some time for my FiFi judging duties which, at the moment, require me to assess a selection of perfumes about which I know nothing whatsoever: they’re in plain bottles labelled only with a code number. I’ve always found ‘blind’ testing a curious experience. Perhaps I ought to write about it one day…
I’ve also had an initial sniff of MDCI‘s new Chypre Palatin and I wonder if Bertrand Duchaufour (yes, him again) intended it as an homage to Lauder‘s Beautiful. A full review will appear here in due course.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
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Happy Birthday! Here's to many more years of Persolaise!
Happy blog birthday, P! Congrats on all the new and wonderful things that have happened this past year. And, please keep up the wonderful independent thinking and writing. An important contribution to the perfume community.
Rgds, Ronny
Happy blogoversary, P. And do write about blind testing at some point, it must be really weird and fascinating. Yet, it makes perfect sense in relation to judging quality and originality without being lured in by fancy packaging, pr or brand loyalty.
Happy birthday!
Time for the Terrible Twos from Persolaise? No, I'm sure you'll be a Terrific Tot:-)
Happy Birthday, and many Happy Returns! (And what a cute photo you've used.)
cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh
Candy Perfume Boy, thanks very much indeed. Your encouragement is always appreciated.
Ronny, many thanks! I have no intention of giving up my independence any time soon
Asali, thank you. And yes, I'll try to write about blind testing soon.
Alnysie, many thanks.
Anna, thanks very much indeed. And yes, I couldn't resist that picture.
Congratulaions on your second year. Thanks for sharing your perfume journey with us and definitely post on the blind testing experience.
(sending you a big hug)
Congratulations on your blog anniversary.
Rosiegreen, thank you. I'll see what I can do as far as blind testing is concerned.
deeHowe, thanks very much
Karen, many thanks.
Natalie, thank you.
Happy Birthday, P! How time flies…
Olfactoria, thank you… and yes, I simply cannot believe that two years have gone by since my first post. It's just insane.
A belated Happy Birthday to! What you've achieved in 2 short years is impressive. Here's to many more!
Tara, thanks very much. The last two years certainly have been quite eventful.
Happy Birthday, Persolaise, and many happy returns of the day! ^_^
Laurinha, thanks very much indeed
Belated congratulations!
You've achieved so much in these two years – I wonder, what is coming in the next two
Undina, thanks very much indeed. I think I'll just keep doing what I enjoy doing and see where it takes me