The gremlins were out in full force the other day when I tried to review Christian Dior New Look (Francis Kurkdjian’s latest addition to La Collection Privee) so much so that I had to abandon the first broadcast and start all over again with a different one. Thankfully, the second attempt was glitch-free. Here’s a link to it – Christian Dior New Look review – followed by a link to a Substack post in which I share some more thoughts on what is turning out to be a pretty divisive release. Please note that the post is free for all to read. You might have to take out a ‘free subscription’ to read it, but you certainly won’t have to pay. And it might interest you to know that I plan to publish the occasional free article over on Substack, so perhaps now’s a good time to add yourself to my mailing list over on that platform. Here’s the link: Christian Dior New Look Substack review.
[Christian Dior New Look review based on a sample provided by the brand in 2024.]
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