There appears to be no end in sight for Penhaligon’s globe-trotting. The latest addition to their Trade Routes range, Constantinople, came out towards the end of 2021 and was reviewed over on YouTube in a recent episode of Love At First Scent. Here’s a link: Penhaligon’s Constantinople review.
I can’t say I’ve considered any of the Trade Routes compositions to be amongst Penhaligon’s finest pieces of work. I suppose the collection fulfils a lucrative function in a marketplace where ‘Arabian’ codes continue to attract lots of pennies. But in terms of bringing something new and memorable to the world of perfumery, they haven’t been especially successful. Thankully, Constantinople is one of the less aggressive entries in the catalogue, using pepper, so-called “frozen” lavender, as well as rose and geranium to create an intriguing contrast between hot and cold. The whole then settles on the familiar Trade Routes base of brash woods and ambers, but that’s to be expected. At least what comes before is worth a sniff.
[Penhaligon’s Constantinople review based on a sample provided by the brand in 2022.]
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