Some people really struggle to understand the concept behind Escentric Molecules. So I guess they’re going to find the brand’s latest development, Molecule +, even more bewildering. Simply put, perfumer Geza Schoen has released three new scents, each of which pairs one ‘natural’ with the original Molecule 01, Iso E Super. So we now have Molecule 01 + Mandarin, Molecule 01 + Iris and Molecule 01 + Patchouli. Schoen returned to my YouTube studio the other day to talk about the scents and the factors that led to their creation. If you’d like to watch the video, here’s a link: Molecule + Geza Schoen interview.
As ever, a wide range of topics was covered, although the main focus of our chat was firmly on the Molecule + releases. That said, we also spoke about the effects of Brexit on the perfume industry, the current hunger for streamlined simplicity and whether it’s true that the Molecule range will never go beyond 09. We even had time to play a ‘guess the next molecule’ game.
Enjoy the video,
[Escentric Molecules Molecule + samples provided by the brand in 2021.]
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[…] Thankfully, Molecule 01 + Iris and Molecule 01 + Mandarin are more interesting, the latter chiefly for its long-term sustenance of a holographic, appetite-whetting citrus note, and the former for presenting iris in a way that doesn’t plump for obvious floral notes to reduce the material’s natural gauntness. This is an iris that remains assertively woody without becoming bleak: an effect that renders it more angular and more alluring than in many recent iris compositions. Of the three, this is the one that will most likely cause devoted fragrance buyers to reach for their credit cards. (For my live interview with the brand’s perfumer, Geza Schoen, in which he talks about the creation of these scents, please click here.) […]